I went to the forest at the end of my street again today. Instead of drawing the forest, I thought I would concentrate just on individual trees. Today, I’m curious about the shapes of trees.

As far as I know most trees have the following parts:

  • ROOTS: usually underground and not visible.

  • TRUNKS: big and strong, they go up and down.

  • BRANCHES: smaller size, they grow out of the trunk.

  • LEAVES: leaves are wonderful and come in many shapes!

Because it is early spring, there aren’t leaves on the branches (except the pine trees!). I’m going to draw trunks and branches.

Here are some possible tree shapes.

Here are some possible tree shapes.

This tree looks like it’s waving to us!

I think it would be rude and not very interesting if I asked a tree (or a person) to tell me a story …but when they started talking, I didn’t listen and I told my own story instead. Maybe it’s a good story but it’s not the tree’s story. SO… I’m going be quiet and listen to the tree. The way I do this is to only draw what I actually see in front of me. Just like I did in the forest.

My supplies today include: chalk, conté pencil, a china marking pencil, charcoal and colored pencils. The reddish drawing was made with the conté pencil. It’s just a fancy colored charcoal pencil. It makes a nice scratchy sound when I draw.

I bring lots of pencils and stuff with me when I go out sketching because the points break or they get used up and have to be sharpened. I made five drawings which you can see in the gallery below.


I drew five trees. There were so many, it was hard to choose: pine trees, a crabapple, an oak tree and another pine tree.

This old pine tree has a LOT of personality! I think it was a sea captain in a previous life.

This old pine tree has a LOT of personality! I think it was a sea captain in a previous life.

Here’s a tree that Izzy drew. It has a lot of branches!
